More movie magic for less! Lower prices across all tickets, so book a film today!

Frequently Asked Questions

+ How do change a ticket or get a refund?
When it comes to your Birks Cinema tickets, while we don’t offer refunds, we do now have a new option you can use to credit your tickets to your account. That way, when you decide to book to see another film at a later date, you can use this new feature to use a credit amount when it comes to payment. Please go here for further instructions.
+ Can I reserve a table in the Café Bar?
Our Café Bar operates on a first-come, first-serve basis so we don't accept table bookings at this time.
+ What days and times is the Birks Cinema open?
Our current open days and times are displayed near the bottom of this page. Look for "Opening Hours" as you scroll down.
+ What films will you have when I visit?
We currently update films each Tuesday for the following week, with some special showings scheduled weeks or months in advance. Please see our Films & Events page for the current programme.
+ Is the Birks Cinema wheelchair accessible?
Yes, the entire building can be accessed with a wheelchair via ramps and lifts, as well as reserved seating for wheelchairs. For more info, view our accessibility guide.
+ What is a relaxed screening?
In a relaxed screening, there is no pre-show. So the film will start at the scheduled start time. The lights are left on low throughout and the sound is set to a lower volume. You are free and very welcome to speak, sing, clap and laugh throughout the screening. All welcome.
+ What are open captions (or sometimes labeled as subtitled for non-foreign language films)?
Some films display captions on the screen (similar to subtitles), which aim to fill in important details about each scene. Along with the dialogue, you may see open captions for sound effects, background noises, phones ringing and other audio cues that need describing. This helps our guests with hearing loss distinguish between different people talking, emotional changes in their voices or non-vocal audio that’s relevant to the story.
+ Do we have an Infra Red VI (Visually Impaired) and/or Induction loop System at the Birks Cinema?
Do we have an Infra Red VI (Visually Impaired) and/or Induction loop System at the Birks Cinema?

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